Where did Peter Pan come from? There is a very general conception that he stepped from Mr. Barrie's day-dreams straight upon the boards. But those who remember that delicate piece of sentiment, "The Little White Bird, or Adventures in Kensington Gardens" will find him already grown to his eternal youth there. In the story that the lonely old bachelor tells the boy David, Peter Pan is the same lad, whose "age is a week" and who "escaped from being human when he was seven days old; he escaped by the window and flew back to the Kensington Gardens," where, like all children, he had been a bird before he was born; and he lives in Kensington Gardens, which is the Never Never Land of "The Little White Bird."
Våra klassiker 1: Peter Pan
James Matthew Barrie
audiobookPeter Pan
James Matthew Barrie
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James Matthew Barrie
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James Matthew Barrie
bookPeter Pan In Kensington Gardens
James Matthew Barrie