The MILF Files

The MILFs are back, and they're hornier than ever! Dive in as older women get what they need! A woman gets revenge in "Prom Night Cougar." An experimental strain of marijuana has a sexy effect in "Pineapple Sexpress." A woman chooses a younger man to sire her child in "Overseeded," and a babysitter returns to town to find the boy next door has grown up in "His Horny MILF Babysitter!"

~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~

From "Overseeded"

A burbling sound emerged from the hose as she twisted the knob, but no water came out. “Are you sure it’s working?”

“Seems to be.” Aaron held up the nozzle, working the handle. A few sad dribbles of water trickled out, but no more.

“Wait,” Merry muttered. “I think we’ve got a kink in the hose.” She bent down, straightening a section.

And then it happened. Undoing the kink let the water flow, and Aaron still had the nozzle up to his head when a spray of water blasted out, catching him full in the face. With a muffled shout or surprise he flew backwards, landing on his rear in the sodden grass as water dribbled down off his cheeks and chin.

Meredith couldn’t help it. The last week…hell, the last two months came pouring out of her in a shriek of hysterical laughter. She held her stomach, doubled over, as Aaron climbed to his feet, the nozzle held at his side like some sort of deranged gunslinger.

“You think that’s funny, huh?” he growled through her choked giggles. “Take this!” With a twist of the nozzle, he set it to full, a firehose-like jet of water shooting out to soak her shirt.

“Oh, yeah?” Meredith lowered her shoulder and charged, her arms wrapping around the younger man as she tackled him to the ground. Before he could react, she had wrestled the nozzle away, blasting him in the face. Then she changed the setting to “bubbler” and shoved it down his pants. “See how you like that!”

“Oh, I like it,” he breathed up at her.

“I like it a lot.”

Their eyes locked. Meredith became aware, with an intensity which was almost painful, of their position. Her t-shirt was plastered to her breasts, the cold water making her areola draw up into hard little points. Every move she made caused the wet fabric to scrape over the taut buds in the most…distracting way. Underneath her, Aaron smiled up, his face free of hidden agendas or disinterest or strange motives. All she saw there was clean, pure desire.

Or, perhaps, impure desire, she thought to herself as his hands tightened on her hips. She put her hands on his chest, feeling, for the first time, the hard muscle through the damp cloth of his shirt.

“Don’t…” It was a sigh.

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t…tease me.” His brown eyes blinked up at her. “You’re hot as hell, Miss…Mrs…”

“Meredith,” she corrected firmly.

He nodded. “You’re hot as hell, Meredith. But…”

“But what?” she asked impatiently. She realized she still had her hand stuck down his pants, the nozzle burbling idiotically, soaking the ground underneath them. She pulled it out and tossed it to the side. “I’m horny. My husband hasn’t touched me in weeks. I want to get laid so bad I can taste it.”

She unbuttoned the fly of his jeans, not breaking eye contact. “I’m not asking you to love me forever, or break up with your girlfriend, or embark on an epic romance which will shatter the lives of all who cross our path. I just want you to screw me. Right here. Right now.”