
Count of Monte-Cristo English and French


Bilingual, Englilsh and French. The complete four-volume novel in both French and English, and links from the tables of contents to every chapter. According to Wikipedia: "The Count of Monte Cristo (French: Le Comte de Monte-Cristo) is an adventure novel by Alexandre Dumas, pùre. It is often considered to be, along with The Three Musketeers, Dumas's most popular work. He completed the work in 1844. Like many of his novels, it is expanded from the plot outlines suggested by his collaborating ghostwriter Auguste Maquet. The story takes place in France, Italy, islands in the Mediterranean and the Levant during the historical events of 1815–1838 (from just before the Hundred Days through to the reign of Louis-Philippe of France). The historical setting is a fundamental element of the book. An adventure story primarily concerned with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy and forgiveness, it tells of a man who is wrongfully imprisoned, escapes from jail, acquires a fortune and sets about getting revenge on the men who destroyed his life. However, his plans also have devastating consequences for the innocent as well as the guilty. The book is considered a literary classic today. According to Luc Sante, "The Count of Monte Cristo has become a fixture of Western civilization's literature, as inescapable and immediately identifiable as Mickey Mouse, Noah's flood, and the story of Little Red Riding Hood."

Bilingue, anglais et français. Le roman complet en quatre volumes en français et en anglais, et des liens depuis les tables des matiĂšres vers chaque chapitre. Selon WikipĂ©dia: "Le Comte de Monte-Cristo est un roman d'aventures d'Alexandre Dumas, pĂšre, souvent considĂ©rĂ© comme l'Ɠuvre la plus populaire de Dumas avec les Trois Mousquetaires. le travail en 1844. Comme beaucoup de ses romans, il est dĂ©veloppĂ© Ă  partir des contours suggĂ©rĂ©s par son nĂšgre collaborateur Auguste Maquet.Le rĂ©cit se dĂ©roule en France, en Italie, dans les Ăźles de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e et du Levant pendant les Ă©vĂ©nements historiques de 1815-1838 (d'avant les Cent-Jours jusqu'au rĂšgne de Louis-Philippe de France) Le cadre historique est un Ă©lĂ©ment fondamental du livre: une histoire d'aventure principalement consacrĂ©e aux thĂšmes de l'espoir, de la justice, de la vengeance, de la misĂ©ricorde et du pardon. d'un homme injustement emprisonnĂ©, s'Ă©chappe de prison, acquiert une fortune et se venge des hommes qui ont dĂ©truit sa vie, mais ses plans ont aussi des consĂ©quences dĂ©vastatrices pour les innocents comme pour les coupables. Le livre est considĂ©rĂ© comme un classique littĂ©raire aujourd'hui. Selon Luc Sante, "Le comte de Monte-Cristo est devenu un incontournable de la littĂ©rature de la civilisation occidentale, aussi incontournable et immĂ©diatement identifiable que Mickey Mouse, le dĂ©luge de NoĂ©, et l'histoire du Petit Chaperon Rouge."