The Candace Starr Series

Candace Starr likes to think of herself as retired since she got out of prison. Thatñ€ℱs until society maven Kristina Corrigan tries to hire her to permanently remove her daughterñ€ℱs barnacle of a boyfriend, Tyler Brent, from their lives. The only catch? Tyler is seventeen years old. Even Candace usually draws the line at taking out a target who doesnñ€ℱt shave yet. But when Tyler turns up dead at a river gorge with a broken neck, people start asking questions. Detective Chien-Shiung Malone, the ambitious cop assigned to the case, has more than a few of her own. Candace is not about to provide any answers thoughñ€”until Malone makes her a proposition she cannot refuse. Candace signs on as Maloneñ€ℱs unofficial partner to find Tylerñ€ℱs murderer, despite the possibility she may have killed the boy herself. With scandalous wit and cocky satire, the first novel in the Candace Starr series provides full-throttle thrills as Starr and Malone race down the dark and dangerous road to the truth. Everyone along for the ride will be scrambling to call shotgun.

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