What significance do religions have for migratory and societal transformation processes? Much attention is often paid to the conflict potential of religions, although they often also hold potential for peace. The topic of this volume is integration from Christian and Muslim perspective. The contributions by Christian and Muslim authors focus on five main areas: fundamental perspectives, Islam in the context of migration, detailed theological and religious legal aspects, the challenge of interreligious learning; specific contexts: the city, Caritas and the Church. As regards content, the volume is rich with a variety of perspectives: scholars, representatives of the Church and Caritas as well as administrators contribute to the topic each from their own point of view. Besides essential theoretical clarifications, this richness of perspectives leads to a differentiated perception of the practical challenges – both are indispensable if progress is to be made in this field.
Menschwerdung und Schwächung : Annäherung an ein Gespräch mit Gianni Vattimo
Jakob Helmut Deibl
bookReligion in der Moderne : Religionsphilosophische Beiträge zu einer aktuellen Debatte
bookReligion im Wandel : Transformation religiöser Gemeinschaften in Europa durch Migration – Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven
bookEuropa mit oder ohne Religion? II : Der Beitrag der Religion zum gegenwärtigen und künftigen Europa
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bookReformation(en) und Moderne : Philosophisch-theologische Erkundungen
bookTowards Just Gender Relations : Rethinking the Role of Women in Church and Society
bookOrthodoxe Selbst- und Fremdbilder : Identitätsdiskurse der rumänischen orthodoxen Theologie im Verhältnis zur Römisch-Katholischen Kirche in der Zeit von 1875 bis 1989
Ioan Moga
bookIsrael's 70th Anniversary: Insights and Perspectives : Politics – Culture – Religion
bookEindeutig mehrdeutig : Ambiguitäten im Spannungsfeld von Gesellschaft, Wissenschaft und Religion