In the times we are living in now purpose is a crisis. A lot of people do not know why they were born. Most do not even care why they were born and therefore living their lives however. Life has become meaningless for many of us because we do not know what our purpose is in life. Purpose is everything and we need to pursue it with everything we have. We were definately not created to live, work, have children and then die. Our purpose is far more significant than this. The bible says that for without vision the people perish. We are perishing because we do not have purpose in life. Now we have more young people dying than our elderly. It is because of lack of knowledge of God's intention for us.
Do you know the reason God created you?
Are you fulfilling God's designed purpose and will for your life?
Are you walking the path God planned for you?
If there is a NO from you to one of these questions or even a slight hesitation in you answer, then this book is for you. It does not matter whether you believe in God, heaven, eternal life or not; you need to read this book.
The crux of this book derives from my own personal encounter, experience, knowledge and somewhat revelation about hte plan of God for His creation.