This handbook reveals the techniques and tactics that make the U.S. Army Special Forces some of the most elite and highly skilled soldiers in the world. Trained to succeed in specialized operations such as reconnaissance, unconventional warfare, and counter-terrorism, these soldiers undergo a rigorous selection process and operate under the principles of self-sufficiency, stealth, speed, and teamwork. Here readers will discover how guerrilla forces differ from special forces and how unconventional warfare relates to both; how to conduct a raid; how to improvise explosive devices; and how special forces carry out air operations.
U.S. Air Force Survival Handbook : The Portable and Essential Guide to Staying Alive
bookThe U.S. Navy SEAL Survival Handbook: Learn the Survival Techniques and Strategies of America's Elite Warriors
Don Mann, Ralph Pezzullo
bookThe Complete U.S. Army Survival Guide to Medical Skills, Tactics, and Techniques
bookU.S. Army First Aid Manual
bookU.S. Marine Guidebook
bookU.S. Army Improvised Munitions Handbook
bookThe Complete U.S. Army Survival Guide to Shelter Skills, Tactics, and Techniques
bookU.S. Army Survival, Evasion, and Recovery
bookU.S. Army Intelligence and Interrogation Handbook
bookU.S. Navy Fundamentals of War Gaming
Francis J. McHugh
bookU.S. Army Counterintelligence Handbook
bookU.S. Army Hand-to-Hand Combat
Sårbarheder : Globalisering, militarisering og terrorisering fra Murens fald til i dag
Mikkel Thorup
bookSkønhed : En engel gik forbi
Dorthe Jørgensen
bookWittgenstein : Om religion og religiøsitet
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bookAntropologiens idéhistorie : 2500 års konstruktion af os selv og de fremmede
Ole Høiris
bookDe uforsvarlige : politiske massemordere
Mikkel Thorup
bookDet sidste menneske. Da danskerne opgav demokratiet
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bookAntiterrorismens idéhistorie : Stater og vold i 500 år
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bookMenneske, kultur, evolution : Et biokulturelt perspektiv
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bookModerne bevidsthedsfilosofi : Problemer, teorier, evidens
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bookFølelser gør os til mennesker : Et helhedsblik på menneskers følelsesliv – en grundbog
Kaj Struve
bookSprogvidenskabens historie
Vilhelm Thomsen
bookSøren Kierkegaard
Kort K. Kortsen