
Causes, Evils, and Cures of Heart and Church Divisions



OUR, Discipline recommends (Part i, ch. iv, § 16) “a serious perusal of the ‘Causes, Evils, and Cures of Heart and Church Divisions.’ “The work has long been out of print, so that the recommendation could not be complied with. A new edition is now furnished at a low price, with a view to its general circulation. Recent events have tended, perhaps, to weaken the spirit of union among us—it may be well for us to scrutinize our hearts and lives more closely. “If we are united, what can stand before us? If we divide, we shall destroy ourselves, the work of God, and the souls of our people.”


January 1, 1849.





DEAR BRETHREN,—In the course of my reading, some years ago, I met with an old book, written by a worthy pastor in the church, Mr. Jeremiah Burroughs, on Heart Divisions, the Evil of our Times. Feeling at that time the pain of a partial separation in spirit and practice from some who were as my brethren and sons in the gospel, that book proved as a balm and a blessing to my soul. I saw so clearly the evil consequences of a division, and how good and pleasant a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity, that I began to abridge my obsolete, but valuable book, and earnestly wished, prayed, and strove, for unanimity.

Soon after, I met with another old book, entitled The Cure of Church Divisions; written by that venerable servant of God, the John Wesley of his day, in wisdom, affection, zeal, and a pacific spirit; I mean Mr. Richard Baxter, of precious memory. Being highly pleased with his evangelical sentiments, I concluded to make an extract from both, not doubting but it might be of great service to the church of Christ.

And now I recommend it to all ministers of the gospel, and professing Christians of every denomination, into whose hands it may come, beseeching them to read it carefully, and with much prayer, that they may cultivate a spirit of unity and brotherly love.

I remain, dear brethren, your servant for Christ’s sake,


CrossReach Publications