
Nonpareil Learning Techniques


Every electronic product is created with a unique User Manual; to every newborn there’s no (human brain) User Manual. The newborn brain is left to nature (self-use and self-learn). Multitudes today rely heavily on “search engines” as opposed to their innate brain power companion for knowledge registration, retention and recall habit established at the outset. Yet the current educational system still requires the student to remember lessons taught through graded examinations eventually graduating with or without honors or is a drop-out. Nonetheless, drop-out or graduate shall excel with brain power companionship.

In this series of e-books, produced by “The Nonpareil Program”, commencing with “Nonpareil Learning Techniques” (Learning How To Learn) we endeavor to assist and encourage each individual to harness his/her brain powers readily available within themselves. Four other e-books serial to “Nonpareil Learning Techniques” are currently available with more to be created and published.

The current and chronological series of e-books available are entitled:

Series 1: The Nonpareil Learning Techniques (Learning How To Learn)

Series 2: The Nonpareil Being Alert (Being Alert To Life)

Series 3: The Nonpareil Awesome Brain (The Human Brain User Manual)

Series 4: The Nonpareil Memory Aids and Memory Tools (Aids & Tools To Reliable Remembering)

Series 5: The Nonpareil Reading and Writing (A Path to Wisdom)

May you be blessed and be a blessing through these series of e-books produced and presented by The Nonpareil Program.