John Lewis Barkley's memoir, first published in 1930 as No Hard Feelings and long out of print, provides a vivid ground-level look at World War I through the eyes of a soldier whose exploits rivaled those of Sergeant York.
e-Pedia: Superman/Batman : Superman/Batman was a monthly comic book series published by DC Comics that featured the publisher's two most popular characters: Superman and Batman
Wikipedia contributors
bookSammanfattning av miljonsäljaren Can't Hurt Me av David Goggins
Bokförlaget Upsaliensis
David Goggins
audiobookbookTalvisota Suomussalmella I
Väinö Mononen
bookHyvä hankinta - parempi bisnes
Sanna Nieminen
booke-Pedia: Me Before You : Me Before You is a romance novel written by Jojo Moyes
Wikipedia contributors
bookTalvisota venäläisin silmin
Bair Irincheev
bookGuns N' Roses : Viimeiset jättiläiset
Mick Wall
audiobookbookAvhopparen : mina 20 år i scientologin
Robert Dam
audiobookbookThe Dirt - Törkytehdas
Crüe Mötley
audiobookPääteasema Auschwitz : Selviytyjän muistiinpanot leiriltä
Eddy de Wind
audiobookbookKuuntele ja opi englantia MP3
Heikki Tulkki, Tomi Välimaa