Until recently, most non-biblical manuscripts attested in the Qumran library were regarded as copies of texts that were composed after the books of the Hebrew Bible were written. Students of the Hebrew Bible found the Dead Sea Scrolls therefore mostly of interest for the textual and interpretative histories of these books. The present collection confirms the importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls for both areas, by showing that they have revolutionized our understanding of how the text of the biblical books developed and how they were interpreted. Beyond the textual and interpretative histories, though, many texts attested in the Qumran library illuminate the time in which the later books of the Hebrew Bible were composed and reworked as well as Jewish life and law in the time when the canon of the Hebrew Bible developed. This volume gives important examples as to how the early texts attested in the Dead Sea Scrolls help to better understand individual biblical books and as to how the later texts among them illustrate Jewish life and law when the canon of the Hebrew Bible evolved. In order to find an adequate expertise for the seminar »The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Hebrew Bible«, the editors invited both junior and senior specialists in the fields of Hebrew Bible, Second Temple Judaism, Dead Sea Scrolls and Rabbinics to Rome.
The Hebrew Bible in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls
bookThe Meaning of the Letter of Aristeas : In light of biblical interpretation and grammatical tradition, and with reference to its historical context
Ekaterina Matusova
bookWriting a Commentary on Leviticus : Hermeneutics – Methodology – Themes
bookImperial Visions : The Prophet and the Book of Isaiah in an Age of Empires
bookThe Synagogue in Ancient Palestine: Current Issues and Emerging Trends
bookYahweh: Origin of a Desert God
Robert D. Miller Miller
bookLike Mount Zion : Conceptual Metaphor and Critical Spatiality in the Songs of Ascents
Wen-Pin Leow
bookCreation, Nature and Hope in 4 Ezra
Jonathan A. Moo
bookHow Prophecy Works : A Study of the Semantic Field of נביא and a Close Reading of Jeremiah 1:4–19, 23:9–40 and 27:1–28:17
William L. Kelly
bookAnimal Metaphors and the People of Israel in the Book of Jeremiah
Benjamin Foreman
bookChrist Identity : A Social-Scientific Reading of Philippians 2.5-11
Sergio Rosell Nebreda
bookDivine Substitution : Humanity as the Manifestation of Deity in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East
Stephen L. Herring