In the final installment of the Warstrider series, two warring governments place their hopes in half-human warrior Dev Cameron to save them from the Web, a vast machine intelligence that threatens to destroy all organic life in their part of the universe.
Earth Strike
Ian Douglas
audiobookDarkness Falling
Ian Douglas
audiobookAltered Starscape : Andromedan Dark: Book One
Ian Douglas
audiobookWarstrider : Jackers
Ian Douglas
audiobookCentre of Gravity
Ian Douglas
Ian Douglas
audiobookGalaxy Raiders: Abyss : Galaxy Raiders, Book 1
Ian Douglas
audiobookAlien Agendas
Ian Douglas
audiobookAlien Agendas : Solar Warden Book 3
Ian Douglas
audiobookAlien Hostiles
Ian Douglas
audiobookFolk Tales from the Canal Side
Ian Douglas
Ian Douglas