Born in 1933, Jacques Saurel might well have known the fate of so many children of Jewish parents who emigrated from Poland between the wars: Auschwitz and the gas chamber. He owed it to his father that he initially had no problems with the authorities. As a volunteer for military service and then a prisoner of war, his father protected Jacques and his family under the Geneva Convention. But the Nazis were looking for hostages to deport. Thus, in early February 1944, Jacques, his oldest sister (the younger one was in hiding) and his little brother were detained with their mother for three months in the Drancy internment camp, before being deported to the “Star Camp”, Bergen-Belsen. It
Da Parigi a Bergen-Belsen 1944-1945.
Saurel Jacques
bookAus Paris nach Bergen-Belsen 1944-1945
Saurel Jacques
bookFrom Paris to Bergen-Belsen1944-1945
Saurel Jacques
bookAus Paris nach Bergen-Belsen, 1944-1945. Gesammelte Erinne-rungen eines deportierten Kindes
Saurel Jacques
bookDe Drancy à Bergen-Belsen, 1944-1945
Saurel Jacques
bookDe Drancy à Bergen-Belsen, 1944-1945
Saurel Jacques
C'est leur histoire
Mossé André-lilian
bookTrois mois dura notre bonheur
Salon Jacques
bookA la vie !
Ghozlan Katy Hazan et Eric
bookJe suis né le 8 mai 1945
Rosenbaum Isidore
bookDestin d'un miraculé
Zonus Henri
bookJ'ai sauté du train
Spingarn Odette
bookDa Parigi a Bergen-Belsen 1944-1945.
Saurel Jacques
bookCes Justes ont sauvé ma famille
Henrion Jean
bookJe revois… Un enfant juif polonais dans la tourmente nazie
Rozen Henri
bookPasseport pour Auschwitz
Mass Zacharie
bookLa Nomade
Kasza Elisabeth
bookAndrée Salomon
Weill Katy Hazan et Georges