
Cracking the Cube: Going Slow to Go Fast and Other Unexpected Turns in the World of Competitive Rubik's Cube Solving


Ian Scheffler, journalist and aspiring ā€œspeedcuber,ā€ attempts to break into the international phenomenon of speedsolving the Rubikā€™s Cubeā€”think chess played at the speed of Ping-Pongā€”while exploring the greater lessons that can be learned through solving it.

When Hungarian professor Ernő Rubik invented the Rubikā€™s Cube (or, rather, his Cube) in 1974 out of wooden blocks, rubber bands, and paper clips, he didnā€™t even know if it could be solved, let alone that it would become the worldā€™s most popular puzzle. Since its creation, the Cube has become many things to many people: one of the bestselling childrenā€™s toys of all time, a symbol of intellectual prowess, a frustrating puzzle with 43.2 quintillion possible permutations, and now a worldwide sporting phenomenon that is introducing the classic brainteaser to a new generation.

In Cracking the Cube, Ian Scheffler reveals that cubing isnā€™t just fun and games. Along with participating in speedcubing competitionsā€”from the World Championship to local tournamentsā€”and interviewing key figures from the Cubeā€™s history, he journeys to Budapest to seek a meeting with the legendary and notoriously reclusive Rubik, who is still tinkering away with puzzles in his seventies.

Getting sucked into the competitive circuit himself, Scheffler becomes engrossed in solving Rubikā€™s Cube in under twenty seconds, the quasi-mystical barrier known as ā€œsub-20,ā€ which is to cubing what four minutes is to the mile: the difference between the best and everyone else. As Scheffler learns from the many gurus who cross his path, from pint-sized kids to engineering professors, itā€™s not just about memorizing algorithms or even solving all six sidesā€”itā€™s about discovering how to solve yourself.