
Dating Confidence Hypnosis and Meditation


Worried that you'll never find "the one?"

If you find yourself experiencing dating anxiety, this audiobook by Joel Thielke is for you. We'll go over the reasons for this anxiety and how to build confidence through mindset and hypnosis.

Using the subconscious mind to root out old limiting beliefs about dating, we can begin to see ourselves in a more positive light. We can build confidence and self-worth by using hypnosis and these mindset techniques to create the relationships we deserve and want.

Hypnosis can help you access your subconscious mind to create a positive, confident mindset. This subconscious change means that you can see yourself better and make healthier decisions regarding dating. As we begin to feel more confident in ourselves, we'll be able.

- Release anxiety and negative thoughts about dating

- Gain confidence in yourself and your ability to find a partner

- Use hypnosis and meditation techniques to access your subconscious mind for positive change

- Improve your mindset surrounding dating, helping you to attract healthy relationships

- Choose a healthy partner

-Complete your past around dating and relationships

We recommend listing for 21 days. Commit yourself, and it will pay off in many areas of life.

For more information about Joel Thielke, the author, visit www.motivationalhypnotherapy.com.

Joel Thielke is a Certified Hypnotherapist, NLP Trainer, and Master Life Coach.

Verteller: Joel Thielke