Prodolzhaem predstavlyat' anglijskuyu klassicheskuyu literaturu na anglijskom yazyke. Sbornik ob"edinyaet filigrannye rasskazy dvuh izvestnyh anglijskih pisatelej nachala XX veka: nobelevskogo laureata, znamenitogo svoej epicheskoj Sagoj o Forsajtah, Dzhona Golsuorsi i Ketrin Mensfild, pisatel'nicy novozelandskogo proiskhozhdeniya, avtora iskusnyh psihologicheskih novell. John Galsworthy SALVATION OF A FORSYTE Katherine Mansfield THE STRANGER PSYCHOLOGY MR AND MRS DOVE
La saga dei Forsyte. In tribunale
John Galsworthy
audiobookLa saga dei Forsyte. Il Possidente
John Galsworthy
audiobookIndian Summer
John Galsworthy
bookIn Chancery
John Galsworthy
bookSalvation of a Forsyte
John Galsworthy
bookAddresses in America, 1919 : Exploring Democracy and Social Justice Through Literary Insights
John Galsworthy
bookA Silent Wooing
John Galsworthy
bookThe Silver Spoon
John Galsworthy
bookSwan Song
John Galsworthy
bookThe Forsyte Saga : Complete Edition
John Galsworthy
bookThe Dark Flower
John Galsworthy
bookStudies and Essays: The Inn of Tranquility, and Others
John Galsworthy