
Optimizing and Marketing Your Website


A simple, step-by-step tutorial, covering the most important aspects of turning a profit from your website: starting with the different ways to monetize it, SEO, paid ads, implementing and interpreting Google Analytics and Webmaster to newsletters and earning the loyalty of your users. Includes the top tips to help you stay ahead of the trend. This guide provides value to both beginners and experienced users alike and it's written and compartmentalized in a way that will allow you to understand and follow every step. Start increasing your revenue today!

The topics talked about in this guide:

Choosing the revenue system

Sell products or services

Sell ad space


Monetization Conclusions

More ways to monetize your site

CpM Advertising

Affiliate Marketing

Sponsored Reviews

Premium Content

Paid Polls and Surveys

In-text and Image Advertising

Pop-ups and Pop-unders

Audio Ads

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

On page SEO

Page title tags

Description meta tags

URL structure

Navigation structure


Custom 404 Page



Images and the "alt" attribute

Heading tags


Page loading times

Off page SEO

Anchor text

Top SEO trends for 2016

Google AdSense

How does it work?

How much will you earn?

Is your site eligible to use AdSense?

So how do you actually use AdSense?

Top 10 tips provided by Google AdSense

Other tips for increasing your revenue with AdSense


You can blend the ads with your site design

Some of the AdSense sizes which work best

AdSense section targeting: Make ads relevant

Image or Text Ads

Ads between posts

Placement targeting

AdSense Category blocking

AdSense for YouTube

Google Analytics and Google Webmaster tools

Google Webmaster Tools

Google Analytics

What are the highlights and what should you first pay attention to?


Social media and your site




Google AdWords

What is Google AdWords?

How can you use it to advertise your site?

General marketing tips