
The Forsaken Vampire


My task is simple: kidnap Princess Rolfe. But the second I lay eyes on her I realize sheā€™s anything but simple. Rancor, Leader of the Teeth, has commanded I fetch her in exchange for the Golden Serpent venom. But my plan is immediately derailed when I feel it. When I feel how much she wants meā€¦ Iā€™ve had many lovers in my lifetime, but her passion puts them all to shame. One night turns into twoā€¦and then threeā€¦and then it becomes clear all my nights will be reserved for this woman. But I gave Rancor my wordā€”and I have to keep it. Sheā€™s too ferocious to take by force so I drug her before I steal her from Delacroix. I escort her all the way to the Teeth and leave her there until Rancor tells me his plans. ā€œWeā€™ll play with her for a bitā€¦and then weā€™ll eat her. And once her father comes for her, weā€™ll eat him too.ā€ With my obligation fulfilled, Iā€™m free to go. But can I leave such a beautiful woman to a horrible fate?