
The Rakess: Society of Sirens, Volume 1


Meet the SOCIETY OF SIRENSā€”three radical, libertine ladies determined to weaponize their scandalous reputations to fight for justice and the love they deserveā€¦

Sheā€™s a Rakess on a quest for womenā€™s rightsā€¦

Seraphina Ardenā€™s passions include equality, amorous affairs, and wild, wine-soaked nights. To raise funds for her cause, sheā€™s set to publish explosive memoirs exposing the powerful man who ruined her. Her ideals are her purpose, her friends are her family, and her paramours are forbidden to linger in the morning.

Heā€™s not looking for a summer loverā€¦

Adam Anderson is a wholesome, handsome, widowed Scottish architect, with two young children, a business to protect, and an aversion to scandal. He could never, ever afford to fall for Seraphina. But her indecent proposalā€”one month, no strings, no futureā€”proves too tempting for a man who strains to keep his passions buried with the losses of his past.

But one night changes everything...

What began as a fling soon forces them to confront painful secretsā€”and yearnings they thought theyā€™d never have again. But when Seraphina discovers Adamā€™s future depends on the man sheā€™s about to destroy, she must decide what to protectā€¦ her desire for justice, or her heart.

Verteller: Sienna Frances