
Titan's Bloodshed [Dramatized Adaptation] : The Great Insurrection 8


"Three men want one empireā€¦

ā€¦but only one can have it.

Prometheus returned to his solar system, and de Finitaā€™s forces prepare to defend whatā€™s theirs.

The AllSeerā€™s return threatens to conquer both militaries in one genius move. Heā€™ll obliterate Mars and force Prometheus to make an impossible choice:

Save his friend or save his insurrection.

Will de Finita bend the knee or watch billions burn alive beneath the AllSeerā€™s magnificent power?

Will Prometheus let his friend die? Or will he abandon everything that what heā€™s built and risk his own life for someone he once loved?

The AllSeer holds all the cards.

Can he be stopped?

Performed by Terence Aselford, Bradley Foster Smith, Danny Gavigan, Thomas Penny, Keith Richards, Eric Messner, Peter Holdway, Rob McFadyen, Christopher Williams, David M. Jourdan, Scott McCormick, Amanda Forstrom, Michael John Casey, Colleen Delany, Nanette Savard, Joe Mallon, Marni Penning, James Konicek, Richard Rohan, Chris Stinson, Jeri Marshall, Steve Wannall, Mark Harrietha, Lydia Kraniotis, Samantha Turret, Wyn Delano, and Nora Achrati."