
Visser's Nederlandsch-Indisch Vegetarisch Kookboek


J. M. J. Catenius-van der Meijden's 'Visser's Nederlandsch-Indisch Vegetarisch Kookboek' is a groundbreaking work that combines the culinary traditions of Dutch-Indies cuisine with a focus on vegetarianism. The book offers a wide range of recipes, from traditional Indonesian dishes to innovative vegetarian creations, all presented in a clear and easy-to-follow style. This book not only showcases the author's expertise in both cooking and cultural understanding but also sheds light on the growing popularity of vegetarianism in the Dutch East Indies during the early 20th century. Catenius-van der Meijden's literary style is informative yet accessible, making this book a valuable resource for both culinary enthusiasts and historians interested in the intersection of food and culture. The author's background as a well-known writer on food and nutrition provides a solid foundation for this comprehensive and enlightening work. 'Visser's Nederlandsch-Indisch Vegetarisch Kookboek' is highly recommended for readers looking to delve into the rich culinary history of the Dutch East Indies and explore the vegetarian possibilities within it.