Canyon Cove Love Stories

There is one person on this earth I cannot stand: Ethan Taylor. Sure, he looks like he belongs on the cover of a magazine, but don't let his looks fool you. He is pretentious, arrogant, and self-absorbed. Unfortunately, he is also the son of a reality TV star, and designers who won't even glance at my portfolio are on his speed dial. But now he has a proposition for me: If I join him in New York City and pose as his date to his grandmotherā€™s swanky benefit, heā€™ll take me to Fashion Week and introduce me to the hottest names in fashion. As an aspiring designer, Iā€™d have to be crazy to turn him down. Except that means spending a week with Ethan. Pretending to date him. His hand pressed to my lower back. His sweet grandmother fawning over me, imagining our future together. If only my heart didnā€™t race a little every time he came near me, this would be a piece of cake. Letā€™s just hope I can remember all the reasons why I hate himā€¦ and keep myself from falling for him instead. Let Love In is an enemies-to-lovers, sweet romantic comedy that keeps the romance closed door. It's book three in The Canyon Cove Love Stories, but can be read as a standalone.