Wicked Winemakers First Label

Heā€™s a widowed billionaire. Sheā€™s the former MI6 agent who reawakens passions he believed long-buried. Thereā€™s nothing WICKED about this little TRYST. TRYST I have no business being auctioned off in a bachelor auction. Iā€™ve loved, been loved, and lost my undeniable soulmate. Romance and love arenā€™t in the cards for an old man like me. However, when this family sets out to get something done, Iā€™m compelled to help out. Theyā€™re all Iā€™ve got. But when this auction kicks off, things change quickly for me. Sheā€™s not looking for a simple TRYST. She wants more from her WICKED bidding. JAICON Working for MI6 and K19 Security Solutions, Iā€™ve been around rugged and handsome men for ages. However, none of them have rocked me to the core like Tryst has. He claims heā€™s too old for meā€”too set in his ways. I beg to differ. Heā€™s everything Iā€™ve ever needed and wanted. Convincing this stubborn man to let me in is going to be harder than I imagined. He just needs to understand that I want more than a quick TRYST.