The 2012 TESOL-SPAIN Convention held at the University of Deusto produced a number of relevant papers and presentations compiled in this book. The different papers deal with issues of concern for those teaching both English and in English, and show the progress made in this field to date. The authors are both national and international and their works tackle aspects such as motivation, new methodologies, new testing proce-dures and so forth.
Local Initiatives to the Global Financial Crisis : Looking for Alternatives to the Current Socio-Economic Scenario
Eider Muniategi Azkona, Lina Klemkaite
bookEl universo relacional de Ángel Amor Ruibal
bookEpistemología, teoría y modelos de intervención en Trabajo Social : Reflexiones sobre la construcción disciplinar en España
bookPlurilingualism : Promoting co-operation between communities, people and nations
bookExilio y cine
María Pilar Rodríguez Pérez
bookMarcos interpretativos de la realidad social contemporánea / Egungo gizarte errealitatea interpretatzeko bideak
Mercedes Acillona López
bookCalidad de vida, inclusión social y procesos de intervención
bookRetos del Derecho ante una economía sin fronteras
bookTransnationalism in the Global City
Becoming a Plurilingual Child
Roberto Gómez Fernández
bookPRINCE2 : Die Erfolgsmethode einfach erklärt
Fabian Kaiser, Roman Simschek
bookPRINCE2 : Die Erfolgsmethode einfach erklärt. Version 2017
Fabian Kaiser, Roman Simschek
bookInflection 03: New Order : Journal of the Melbourne School of Design
Rory Hyde, Luke Pearson, Forensic Architecture, Breathe Architecture, Lateral Office
bookAgile Project Management for Dummies
Mark C. Layton
audiobookHBR's 10 Must Reads on Negotiation
Harvard Harvard Business Review, Daniel Kahneman, Deepak Malhotra, Erin Meyer, Max H. Bazerman
audiobookSummary, Analysis, and Review of Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow
Start Publishing Notes Start Publishing Notes
Jenny Colgan
audiobookWortöffnungen : Zur Mehrsprachigkeit Paul Celans
Dirk Weissmann
bookSummary: To Sell Is Human : Review and Analysis of Pink's Book
BusinessNews Publishing
bookMasters of Command : Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, and the Genius of Leadership
Barry Strauss
bookOptimal : How to Sustain Personal and Organizational Excellence Every Day
Daniel Goleman, Cary Cherniss