Alex Howard was a normal, happy teenager until just before his 16th birthday, when he began to experience strange, unexplained physical symptoms. In time he was diagnosed with ME, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a severe illness that the medical profession has yet to offer an explanation or cure for. After spending two years bedbound and developing clinical depression, Alex committed himself to finding a cure and returning himself to health and happiness, eventually finding the key to his illness and, in creating the changes he was striving towards, realising his life had been irrevocably transformed for the better. In this updated third edition, Alex shares his ongoing journey since the first edition of WHY ME? was published, including setting up The Optimum Health Clinic, an award winning charity specialising in treating ME/CFS which has treated thousands of patients in over thirty-five countries around the world. A detailed resource section includes transcripts of interviews with several experts discussing the limitations of orthodox medicine in treating M.E. and the clinic's model of the seven subgroups and three stages of the illness, along with easy to understand explanations of their suggested treatments for M.E. and tips that M.E. sufferers can follow. 'WHY ME?' is an invaluable account of Alex's journey and source of guidance for anyone struggling with their health, facing a challenge that feels insurmountable or searching for deeper meaning in their life. As well as providing a wealth of information about healing mind, body and soul, 'WHY ME?' is an inspiring story of love, triumph over adversity and the ability within us all to create change in our lives.
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