The story begins in the London home of John Garnstone, an elderly bachelor and antiques dealer. Garnstone is an enthusiastic gardener and grows a plant of incalculable value, a blue daffodil, on the roof of his house. One of the nights his body is a secretary. A lot of weird events happen after that.
AFTER THE END – Dystopia Box Set: 34 Dystopias and Post-Apocalyptic Works : 1984, Animal Farm, Brave New World, Iron Heel, The Time Machine, Gulliver's Travels, The Coming Race, Lord of the World, Looking Backward, The Last Man, The Night Land, The Doom of London, Flatland…
George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Sinclair Lewis, C. S. Lewis, Yevgeny Zamyatin, Jack London, H. G. Wells, Jonathan Swift, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Edgar Allan Poe, Owen Gregory, Hugh Benson, Edward Bellamy, Mary Shelley, William Hope Hodgson, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Fred M. White, Ignatius Donnelly, Ernest Bramah, Arthur Dudley Vinton, Richard Jefferies, Samuel Butler, Edwin A. Abbott, Anthony Trollope, Cleveland Moffett
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Fred M. White