A private Foundation in cooperation with Herder & Herder Publishers is launching a landmark initiative for the development of a Christian cosmology based on reality as process, to replace the medieval static worldview. The initiative will launch this March 24, 2021 with the publication of the first of six volumes by physicist and theologian Richard J. Pendergast, SJ: The Cosmic Hierarchy: God's Plan for the Evolution of the Universe. This volume offers an introduction to a Christian cosmology, an integration of modern science and divine revelation, with the aim of achieving a coherent view of the universe. Combining notions from science, philosophy, and theology, Pendergast weaves a coherent picture of what we know about reality. He considers the nature of matter, human consciousness, quantum mechanics, biological evolution, and the problem of evil. Addressing both believers and nonbelievers, he aims to offer insight into problems that may disturb the faith of the former or impede the latter's search for God.
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