Skull-Face is a mystical adventure novella by Robert E. Howard, first published in 1929. The story follows Stephen Costigan, a former soldier suffering from war trauma and drug addiction. His life takes a dark turn when he encounters the enigmatic and sinister crime lord known as Skull-Face, whose origins trace back to ancient Eastern cults. This eerie villain seeks global domination through supernatural powers and knowledge of the occult.
As the plot unfolds, Costigan is drawn into a web of intrigue, facing not only his own inner demons but also the terrifying forces at play in the outside world. Along the way, he meets allies such as the mysterious Zuvih and the enslaved girl, Olaf, who help him in his quest to thwart Skull-Face's malevolent schemes.
Howard masterfully blends elements of horror, adventure, and fantasy, creating a richly atmospheric tale filled with tension and dread. Skull-Face reflects Howard's fascination with ancient cultures and mythology, as well as his talent for crafting dynamic, action-packed stories. The novella has left a lasting impact on the adventure genre and continues to resonate with fans of gothic and heroic fantasy.