
Daily Habit Makeover


Do you often lose focus? Convince yourself that your tasks can waitā€¦ when they canā€™t? Canā€™t stick to new habits more than a few weeks or days?

What happens when deadlines arrive: do you start panicking so badly that you forget what day of the week it is?

The time to do something about your bad habits is right now - otherwise, you are in danger of never starting. Learn to identify, prioritize, and focus on your most important tasks and get them done.

Unlearn bad habits and build powerful, helpful ones.

-Learn various ways to increase productivity in your life,

-Easily learnable and executable solutions that will make your day more organized and focused,

-Why is willpower your enemy when it comes to changes,

-Two valuable philosophies to help you maintain your habit changes for the long haul.

Living as our best selves depends on our day-to-day habits; the small everyday activities we arenā€™t always conscious about. Daily Habit Makeover will teach you how to adopt tailor-made habits to your lifestyle.

Optimize your life: become more productive and less stressed.

- Acknowledge and start acting against procrastination,

- Learn 5+ scientifically proven ways to increase focus,

- Quick methods to rank the importance of your tasks,

- Why multitasking sabotages you and better alternatives.

Control your habits, own your life.

- Finish what you start ā€“ every time,

- The best habits of three world leaders to enhance motivation,

- 15+ signs that help you prevent procrastination,

- 50 small, quickly applicable strategies to build a better life today,

- The best apps and programs that help you stay productive.

Daily Habit Makeover helps you reach your maximal productivity and greatest potential by teaching you how to think in a system that excludes procrastination. Know how to identify your most important tasks following a simple mathematical formula and stay disciplined to build productivity habits.

Never feel the numbing pressure of unfinished tasks and threatening deadlines again. Donā€™t sweat over calling your boss to ask deadline extension. Never again be the excuse maker who canā€™t divide his time well.

Be the most productive version of yourself.