
The Demon Resides


Millions have seen the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, but do we actually know Freddy Kruegerā€™s not real?

This point has left Jude Lennon questioning his sanity when he starts having nightmares after watching the movies. Heā€™s living his own version of them; being chased by a clawed hand, waking up with night sweats, and having his sheet rip into four pieces which twist themselves around him like silent assassins. But if Freddy Krueger is just a fictional character in fictional movies, why does he feel as though something more real, more alive, more evil, is out to cause more hell than anyone could imagine?

After a telepathic conversation with the man behind ā€œFreddyā€, warning him that Freddy is indeed real, Jude sets out to find the truth once and for all, only to find out itā€™s not the bed this particular demon resides inā€¦

And rememberā€¦donā€™tā€¦fallā€¦asleepā€¦