
An Ideal Kitchen : Miss Parloa's Kitchen Companion


Maria Parloa's book 'An Ideal Kitchen' is a comprehensive guide to setting up and running a functional kitchen in the late 19th century. This detailed manual covers everything from kitchen layout and organization to meal planning and recipe suggestions. Parloa's writing style is clear and instructional, providing practical advice for homemakers looking to improve their culinary skills. With its focus on efficiency and practicality, 'An Ideal Kitchen' reflects the growing interest in domestic science and household management during the Victorian era. The book serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history of food preparation and domestic life in the late 1800s. Maria Parloa, a renowned cooking teacher and author, wrote 'An Ideal Kitchen' to share her expertise and help housewives create efficient and enjoyable cooking spaces. Her background in culinary education and passion for homemaker empowerment shine through in this practical and informative guide. Through her writing, Parloa aims to elevate the status of domestic work and promote the importance of a well-equipped kitchen in maintaining a happy and healthy household. I highly recommend 'An Ideal Kitchen' to history enthusiasts, culinary historians, and anyone interested in exploring the intersections of food, gender, and domesticity in the 19th century.