
Backwards Book Publishing


How to Save Time, Earn More, Work Less by Publishing Backwards?!?

(Note: See the bonuses in the back of this book, along with audio to each chapter.)

The situation that most starting authors have (and

I've seen the same thing you've run into) is: How the hell do you

get from here to there?

You hear and (are constantly told) about these

outrageously successful authors. But only a very small few percent of

people actually achieve that.

If you want to be successful you've got to

study success. What I found by studying all these guys that are

making six- and seven-figures as an author is that most of them have

been starting out with books and ending up with

courses. (Which makes the author more money: a $3.99 book or a $399.00 course?)

The beginning author, though, has to spend a lot

of time and money they don't have in order to do that. So most

authors fail to make a livable income.

And as if we don't have enough problems, how is it

a solution to work backwards?


as an Idea Container

Let's go back to basics. Books are an idea

container. They aren't just an e-book, a paperback, and so on.

The one set of content is pushed out through all these different

versions: e-books, paperbacks, hardbacks, audio books, audio CDs, and

also -- courses.

The great part about that is courses sell the

books and the books sell the courses.

The Sensible Approach That Few If Any Use

Here'e the secret: 1) record the course, 2) transcribe the audio, 3) edit it into your book. All types of books. You've got the video, audio, text, and graphics. So turn around and publish that coure and also every version you can. Why not?

Too simple, right?

Also mostly unknown is that you can do this from your own home-office without having to buy expensive programs or services.

How can you save time, work less, and earn more? And still publish great books?

The secret how-to's and steps are inside this book (along with bonuses and audio.)

Get Your Copy Now.