This book reflects developments in the field of diasporic studies. The articles have been grouped into two sections. The first section focuses on the experiences of diasporic Africans; the second section broadens the radius of research and focuses on literary representations of the diaspora to include Asian Americans, Puerto Ricans and Anglo-Europeans. Similarly, a no less interesting aspect of this book is the many ways in which Paul Gilroy's ideas have been re-theorised and applied to a myriad of writings. Indeed, the articles attest to diaspora as an experience that can potentially - as it does - affect everyone, so that diaspora becomes a metonymic representation of the experience itself.
Hervör : La indomable guerrera
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bookCHATGPT : Obtén el máximo rendimiento a la Inteligencia Artificial Generativa
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bookCaminar y adelgazar: Un plan de 4 semanas para todas las edades
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bookLos filósofos presocráticos I
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bookPrimeros platos
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book500 recetas para toda la familia
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bookCaminar y adelgazar: Un plan de 4 semanas para todas las edades
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book1000 plantas y flores para el jardín - Segunda parte
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book1000 plantas y flores para el jardín
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bookLos girasoles ciegos de Alberto Méndez 10 años después
Itzíar López Guil y Cristina Albizu Yeregui (eds.), Varios autores
bookCartilla laboral. Teoría y práctica 5ª Edición. : Medidas laborales, seguridad social y nómina electrónica
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Postmodernismo y metaficción historiográfica. (2ª ed.) : Una perspectiva interamericana
Santiago Juan Navarro
bookEl orden del caos (2ª Ed.) : Literatura, política y posthumanidad en la narrativa de Thomas Pynchon
Francisco Collado Rodríguez
bookLa encendida memoria: aproximación a Thomas Merton
Fernando Beltrán Llavador
bookLa poesía temprana de Emily Dickinson : El primer cuadernillo
Anna M. Brígido Corachan, Paul Scott Derrick Grisanti, Norma Gabriela González Peralta
bookVoicing the Self : Female Identity and Language in Lee Smith's Fiction
Carmen Rueda Ramos
bookIntegralism, Altruism and Reconstruction : Essays in honor of Pitirim A. Sorokin
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bookFeminism and Dialogics: Charlotte Perkins, Meridel Le Sueur, Mikhail M. Bakhtin
Carolina Núñez Puente
bookNueva sátira en la ficción postmodernista de las Américas
Rosa María Díez Cobo
bookEthics and ethnicity in the Literature of the United States
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bookThe Rhetoric of Race : Toward a Revolutionary Construction of Black Identity
Maria Guadalupe Davidson
bookPáginas de un diario de la guerra civil
Mary Chesnut, Carme Manuel Cuenca
bookHerman Melville: poder y amor entre hombres
Rodrigo Andrés González