If it has not been your privilege to hear a French guard utter these words, you have lost a lesson in the dignity of elocution which nothing can replace. En voiture, en voi ture; five minutes for Paris. At the well-delivered warning, the Englishman in the adjoining buffet raises on high the frothing tankard, and vaunts before the world his capacity for deep draughts and long; the fair American spills her coffee and looks an exclamation; the Bishop pays for his daughter's tea, drops the change in the one chink which the buffet boards disclose, and thinks one; the trav eled person, disdaining haste, smiles on all with a pitying leer; the foolish man, who has forgotten something, makes public his conviction that he will lose his train. The adamantine official alone is at his ease, and, as the minutes go, the knell of the train-loser sounds the deeper, the horrid jargon is yet more irritating.
99 Classic Mystery Short Stories Vol.1 : : Works by Arthur Conan Doyle, E. Phillips Oppenheim, Fred M. White, Rudyard Kipling, Wilkie Collins, H.G. Wells...and many more !
Arthur Conan Doyle, Arthur B. Reeve, Arthur Quiller-Couch, Algernon Blackwood, Readym Anthologies, Arthur Stanwood Pier, Arthur Stringer, Barry Pain, Carolyn Wells, Compton Mackenzie, E. Phillips Oppenheim, Edgar Fawcett, Edgar Wallace, Eleanor H. Porter, Emerson Hough, Ethel Watts Mumford, F. Hopkinson Smith, Forrest Crissey, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Fred M. White, G.B. Lancaster, George Ade, Gilbert Parker, H. Bedford-Jones, H.G. Wells, Hapsburg Liebe, Harold Bindloss, Harvey J. O'Higgins, Henry C. Rowland, Honore Willsie, Hugh Pendexter, James Branch Cabell, James Hopper, James Oliver Curwood, Jennette Lee, Josephine Daskam Bacon, Leonard Merrick, Margaret Sherwood, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Marjorie Bowen, Mary Heaton Vorse, Mary Raymond Andrews, Max Beerbohm, Max Pemberton, Octavus Roy Cohen, Perceval Gibbon, R. Austin Freeman, Richard Marsh, Roy Norton, Rudyard Kipling, Rupert Hughes, Sax Rohmer, Stacy Aumonier, W. Pett Ridge, W. W. Jacobs, Wilkie Collins, William MacLeod Raine
book50 Essential Classic Thriller Short Stories You Have To Read Before You Die, Vol.1: Philip K. Dick, Edgar Allan Poe, H.G. Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle, Rafael Sabatini, O.Henry, Edgar Wallace... (Golden Deer Classics)
Philip K. Dick, Golden Deer Classics, Wilkie Collins, Rafael Sabatini, O.Henry, Max Pemberton, Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Allan Poe, Edgar Wallace, Henry C. Rowland, H.G. Wells, E.Nesbit, Alexander Pushkin, Sax Rohmer
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Max Pemberton
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Max Pemberton
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Max Pemberton
bookThe House Under the Sea
Max Pemberton