"The Sacred Writings Of ..." provides you with the essential works among the Christian writings. The volumes cover the beginning of Christianity until medieval times.
Part I.-Containing Various Sections of the Works.
I.-From the Two Books on the Promises.
II.-From the Books on Nature.
III.-From the Books Against Sabellius. On the Notion that Matter is Ungenerated.
IV.-Epistle to Dionysius Bishop of Rome
V.-The Epistle to Bishop Basilides.
Part II.-Containing Epistles, or Fragments of Epistles.
Epistle I.-To Domitius and Didymus.
Epistle II.-To Novatus.
Epistle III.-To Fabius Bishop of Antioch.
Epistle IV.-To Cornelius the Roman Bishop.
Epistle V., Which is the First on the Subject of Baptism Addressed to Stephen, Bishop of Rome.
Epistle VI.-To Sixtus, Bishop.
Epistle VII.-To Philemon, a Presbyter.
Epistle VIII.-To Dionysius.
Epistle IX.-To Sixtus II.
Epistle X.-Against Bishop Germanus.
Epistle XI.-To Hermammon.
Epistle XII.-To the Alexandrians.
Epistle XIII.-To Hierax, a Bishop in Egypt.
Epistle XIV.-From His Fourth Festival Epistle.
Exegetical Fragments.
I.-A Commentary on the Beginning of Ecclesiastes.
II.-The Gospel According to Luke.
III.-On Luke XXII. 42, Etc.
IV.-An Exposition of Luke XXII. 46, Etc.
V.-On John VIII. 12.
VI.-Of the One Substance.
VII.-On the Reception of the Lapsed to Penitence.