1. Krimi Trio 3354

    Jack Raymond, Wadsworth Camp, Max Brand

  2. Plan M für Mord: 4 Krimis im Bundle

    Alfred Bekker, Wadsworth Camp, Thomas West, Carolyn West

  3. 7 Elite Krimis Juni 2024

    Alfred Bekker, Carolyn Wells, G. A. Birmingham, Francis Beeding, Cleve F. Adams, Wadsworth Camp

  4. 11 Sommerkrimis im Strandpaket 2024

    Alfred Bekker, Wadsworth Camp, Arthur Gask

  5. Das verlassene Zimmer: Kriminalroman

    Wadsworth Camp

  6. The Abandoned Room

    Wadsworth Camp

  7. 99 Classic Thriller Short Stories: : Works by Philip K. Dick, Edgar Allan Poe, Arthur Conan Doyle, H.G. Wells, Wilkie Collins...and many more !

    Edgar Allan Poe, Alexander Pushkin, Algernon Blackwood, Arthur Conan Doyle, Arthur O. Friel, Arthur Quiller-Couch, Arthur Stringer, Arthur Train, Baroness Orczy, Barry Pain, Charles E. Van Loan, Cleveland Moffett, Compton Mackenzie, Cy Warman, E.Nesbit, E.W. Hornung, Edgar Wallace, Edward S. Ellis, Ethel Turner, Eugene Manlove Rhodes, Frank L. Packard, Fred M. White, G.B. Lancaster, George Newnes, Gilbert Parker, Guy Boothby, H. Bedford-Jones, H.A. Lamb, H.C. Bailey, H.G. Wells, Hapsburg Liebe, Harold Bindloss, Harold Titus, Harvey J. O'Higgins, Henry C. Rowland, Jack Holt, James Aquila Kempster, James B. Connolly, Josephine Dodge Daskam, Mary Heaton Vorse, Mary Shipman Andrews, Mrs. Belloc Lowndes, O.Henry, Philip K. Dick, Rafael Sabatini, Sax Rohmer, Stewart Edward White, W.W. Jacobs, Wadsworth Camp, Wilbur Daniel Steele, Wilkie Collins, William McLeod Raine, Readym Anthologies

  8. The Abandoned Room

    Wadsworth Camp

  9. The Mystery Omnibus #1 (Serapis Classics)

    Wadsworth Camp, Arthur Rees, E. Philllips Oppenheim, Frank Packard, Meredith Nicholson, Anna Katharine Green, Edith Lavell

  10. The Abandoned Room

    Wadsworth Camp

  11. The Abandoned Room

    Wadsworth Camp
