In recent years, herpetoculturists have been fortunate in having the opportunity to keep and work with some of the large agamid lizards from southeast Asia, notably green water dragons and the Philippine Sailfin lizards. This book is dedicated to the care, maintenance, and breeding of these Asian lizards in captivity. In addition, a section has been included on the basilisk lizards of the New World.
The Leopard Gecko Manual : Expert Advice for Keeping and Caring for a Healthy Leopard Gecko
Philippe de Vosjoli, Thomas Mazorlig, Roger J. Klingenberg, Ron Tremper, Brian Viets
bookPopular Tortoises (Advanced Vivarium Systems)
Philippe de Vosjoli
bookPopular Tree Frogs
Philippe de Vosjoli, Robert Mailloux, Drew Ready
bookHorned Frogs : Plus Budgett's Frogs
Philippe de Vosjoli
bookEssential Care of Chameleons
Philippe de Vosjoli
bookGreen Anoles : From the Experts at Advanced Vivarium Systems
Philippe de Vosjoli
bookRed-Eared Sliders : From the Experts at Advanced Vivarium Systems
Philippe de Vosjoli
bookThe Lizard Keeper's Handbook
Philippe de Vosjoli
bookThe Ball Python Manual
Philippe de Vosjoli
bookPopular Amphibians
Philippe de Vosjoli
bookThe Box Turtle Manual
Philippe de Vosjoli, Roger J. Klingenberg