This updated second edition includes all new insight into the latest developments for both Greenberg and AIG, such as the many lawsuits underway, including a criminal trial that will send five men, one still working for Greenberg, to prison. It also explores the story that led to AIG being rescued by the Fed. From meetings with spies around the world (from CIA directors to Mossad agents), presidents, leading investment figures and others, Hank Greenberg is responsible for moving AIG into the ranks of the most powerful international corporations. Through aggressive tactics, especially overseas, the company used political clout to cut off aid, threaten trade sanctions, etc. to continue its growth. Some observers would say that given Greenberg's tactics throughout his career, his ultimate downfall--at the hands of Eliot Spitzer--was inevitable.
Fallen Giant : The Amazing Story of Hank Greenberg and the History of AIG