
Songs of The Dove


In the month of February 1997, I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into my life as my personal Lord and Saviour. In no time, I discovered that I could express my joy of salvation in poetic verses although, I was no poet. I am a graduate of Islamic Religion from the University of Ghana, and I taught this subject at the Corona Secondary School Agbara, Lagos for three years.

The first Christian poem I wrote was “The Bible”. After that, I wrote several poems based on the socio-political and economic conditions in Nigeria. When I became a member of the “Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries,” the Holy Spirit kindled my interest in Christian poetry and I started writing down more poems. I derive tremendous inspiration for these poems from the messages I receive at the Power Must Change Hands Programs of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, messages delivered by MFM Ministers and other anointed men of God. I am therefore grateful to our General Overseer Dr. D.K. Olukoya and Pastors Joe Atueyi, Uche Umeruah and Okechukwu Okafor.

My thanks also go to Brother Alfred Boye of RIPPCON NIGERIA LTD for his financial support. My gratitude also goes to Annie and the kids.

Olatubosun Macaulay

(Introduction of Songs of the Dove)