
Summary of God : A Human History by Reza Aslan


God: A Human History by Reza Aslan—Book Summary—Abbey Beathan

(Disclaimer: This is NOT the original book.)

A call to embrace a deeper and more passionate understanding of God.

A book about religion through a different perspective. In this title, Reza Aslan talks about the history of religion as an extended period of time where individuals try to understand the divine by giving it human traits and even emotions. It happens in most religions, like in ancient greek mythology where every god had a human appearance and a different personality. The purpose of this book is more than explaining the history of our perception of God but also trying to find out why we humanize the divine in order to develop a stronger and deeper spirituality.

(Note: This summary is wholly written and published by Abbey Beathan. It is not affiliated with the original author in any way)

"Whether we aware of it or not, and regardless if we are believers or not, what the vast majority of us think about when we think about God is a divine version of ourselves."—Reza Aslan

This book is addressed to every human no matter their religion and believes. It's dedicated to change the way we think about the divine and its role in our lives. A deep book that touches a common topic in a unique way, definitely a must-read for all the people who want to get in touch with their spirituality.

A book on how we give God our traits, the good ones... but also the bad ones.

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