Drugz & Homelessness

Bogserier • 1 bog

Street Worn Underbelly :: pOEMSOUnd Book Title renamed for Copyright reasons :)

from original 'Soft White Underbelly'.

Here's a List of Drugs & Talents covered in the Poem so far.

Drugz: Crystal Meth, Heroin, Amphetamine, LSD, Coke 'a Cola ;)

Fentanyl, Oxycontin, Synthesized D's, Xanax, Computer cleaners, PARENTS.


Queens, Pimps, Teens, Prostitutes, hustlers, felons, Gropers,

Skinheads, Gangs, racists, Transgenders, Christians, Clans,

Hackers, College students, Fetishists, Dominatrix, Wheelers & Dealers,

Tricks, Appalachian, Slugger, Sex offenders, Dancer/Strippers, Sugar baby,

Sugar Daddy, Transformists, Escorts, Parents, Train Hoppers, Computer cleaners,

Bank robbers. Street Musician.

*New for 3rd Chapter: Tranq, Spice, Narcan.

***** Please leave your Review/feedback, many thanks. *****

To see more Poems by the same Author please click the Link HERE:


To contact the Author: Please add me Mike Miko on Facebook & then message me, thanks.

https://www.facebook.com/mike.cco1 I will then contact the Author your behalf.

or on Twitter: miko_1_dollar ~ Tumblr : ccobes

Instagram: wild_poetrys / wild.poetry.webs

SWU insta: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cao_oiqMpJJ/

TikTok: @wild_poetrys - mikecharliechaplinsoffice

Website: www.wild-poetry.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/New.Poets.Corner

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