
Camino de la Luna - Reconciliation (Part 2) :


What divides us?

What sets us against each other?

What stops us from being able to come home to our true selves?

I had found truth in Thailand, discovered another wall inside me and freed another part of my soul.

There were things to be done, journeys to be taken, strangers to meet, mistakes and regrets to put right and only some of them were mine. But my mistakes alone were enough to change everything.

I had started in Spain, this Camino de la Luna, though it started long before and will not end until I die, but where next? Would I finally cross the equator to the Southern Hemisphere, to Africa and could I ever heal the new wounds in my relationships, could I find reconciliation, or as they call it in South Africa, Ubuntu?

Would I ever find peace...

Would I ever put down my rucksack?

Camino de la Luna is a seven book series (which had to be split into ten for the audiobooks):

"Camino de la Luna - Take What You Need" (parts 1, 2 and 3)

"Camino de la Luna - Unconditional Love"

"Camino de la Luna - Forgiveness"

"Camino de la Luna - Compassion and Self-Compassion"

"Camino de la Luna - Courage"

"Camino de la Luna - Truth"

"Camino de la Luna - Reconciliation" (parts 1 and 2)

with a prequel "Japan Is Very Wonderful" and related book "free Feeling Real Emotions Everyday"

“Thank you so much for including me… your writing is so inspirational. Very emotional reading your journey as if it wasn’t for you I would never ever have explored as much as I have… and… continued to help others as you have done. Keep being amazing Pearl, you are one of a kind...” Selina Wedderburn

Uppläsare: Pearl Howie
