In the second installment of Loretta Lost's Clarity series, Dr. Liam Larson is Helen Winters's only hope when violent memories come racing back and could be enough to tear them apart.
Set to Music
Negeen Papehn
audiobookColton Threat Unleashed
Tara Taylor Quinn
Lindsay McKenna
audiobookSworn to Protect
Jo Davis
audiobookTargeted In Silver Creek
Delores Fossen
audiobookLie with Me
Stephanie Tyler
audiobookRising Danger
Jerusha Agen
audiobookSmokin' Six-Shooter
B.J. Daniels
audiobookTaming the Tycoon
Amy Andrews
audiobookSecurity Blanket
Delores Fossen
audiobookSearching for Evidence
Carol J. Post
audiobookLow Love, Low Fidelity
Love Belvin