

ljudbok och e-bok

The New York Times and USA TODAY bestseller, the first in a scorching series about a beautiful young sports rehab specialist who can't fight her attraction to a dangerously sexy underground fighter.

Remington Tate has a bad-boy rep in and out of the ring, a granite-hard body, and a raw, animal power that sends his female fans into a frenzy. But from the moment their eyes lock, the only woman he wants is Brooke Dumas. His desire is pure, all-consuming, and REAL.

Hired to keep his perfect body working like a machine, Brooke finally has the lucrative sports therapy job she’s been dreaming of. But as she tours the dangerous underground fighting circuit with Remy and his team, Brooke’s own body becomes alive with the most primal of hungers. If what happens between Brooke and Remy is ever as light as a flirtation, it quickly becomes an erotic obsession for them both, and promises so much more.

But their white-hot lust has a dark side—and when Remy’s deepest secret comes to light and Brooke’s familial duties demand action, will the pair be able to hang on, or will everything that once seemed so real suddenly fade away like an illusion?


220 recensioner



Read it, 5/5. Really loved it



Helt okej men inte det mĂ€sterverk jag förvĂ€ntat mig efter kult-statusen. KĂ€nns till och börja med ganska utdragen i nĂ„gra partier. AnvĂ€nder lite förlegat sprĂ„k vilket blir ”osexigt” nĂ€r det snarare ska skildra motsatsen. SjĂ€lv saknade jag nĂ„n form av humor och upplevde dĂ€rför att boken saknade en dimension. Men med det sagt sĂ„ faller den ju in under ”halvmörk och Ă„ngestladdad” modern romance helt enkelt. Inget överdrivet men har dörrarna öppna. HEA sĂ„klart men efter en utdragen historia blir det goda slutet lite hastat. Tror vi förvĂ€ntas lĂ€sa nĂ€sta bok och fĂ„ mer kött pĂ„ benen -men det gör jag nog inte. Jag gav det en chans och Ă€r nöjd sĂ„hĂ€r.


