In a futuristic world where Earth faces an unprecedented threat, a fierce war breaks out between humans and giants from a distant alien planet. In an epic struggle for survival, the fates of heroes and villains intertwine, and tensions rise to unprecedented levels.
The Red Sand : A short science fiction story
Amr Mounir
audiobookWhen The Sun Went Out : A science fiction story
Amr Mounir
audiobookDon't Leave Me With Her : Short science fiction story
Amr Mounir
audiobookWhen The Sun Went Out : Science fiction story
Amr Mounir
audiobookThe Sin : Science fiction story
Amr Mounir
audiobookStorm : A short science fiction story
Amr Mounir
audiobookThe Grays : A short science fiction story
Amr Mounir
audiobookThe Sin : A short science fiction story
Amr Mounir
audiobookStorm : Short science fiction story
Amr Mounir
audiobookThe Grays : Short science fiction story
Amr Mounir
audiobookThe Ancient Bridge : Short dramatic story
Amr Mounir
audiobookMay your glory last, oh homeland : Short dramatic story
Amr Mounir
Death Caller
J. Clifton Slater
audiobookThe Order of Architects: Book 2
Oleg Sapphire, Yuri Vinokuroff
audiobookNights of Villjamur
Mark Charan Newton
Christian Kallias
audiobookThe Dreamweaver
Roman Prokofiev
audiobookPeople of the Dark
Robert E. Howard
Simon R. Green
audiobookBetween Two Worlds
Dmitry Dornichev
audiobookMutie Nation [Dramatized Adaptation] : Deathlands 153
James Axler
audiobookThe Gnomes of Hartland : A Journey to the Ancient Mines
Jeff Miller
audiobookMake it So!
Christian Kallias
audiobookNoah's ark : A science fiction story
Dr. Amr Mounir