Esther was lying in bed half asleep when the clock struck midnight and a voice spoke to her. It sounded to her like her bother Tom and it warned her that her husband Charles must not go to the house of Waverley that it would bring death and sorrow. Esther begged her husband not to go to the house tonight even though he was going to find out what had happened to her brother, Tom Hargreaves.
The Weird Circle: The Wooden Ghost
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
audiobookThe Weird Circle: The Murder of the Little Pig
Émile Gaboriau
audiobookThe Weird Circle: Mad Monkton
Wilkie Collins
audiobookThe Weird Circle: The Last Days of a Condemned Man
Victor Hugo
audiobookThe Weird Circle: The Burial of Roger Melvin
Nathaniel Hawthorne
audiobookThe Weird Circle: The Fatal Love Potion
Edward Lytton
audiobookThe Weird Circle: The Executioner
Honoré De Balzac
audiobookThe Weird Circle: Rapicini's Daughter
Nathaniel Hawthorne
audiobookThe Weird Circle: The Returned
Edgar Allan Poe
audiobookThe Weird Circle
Various Various