
Culturally Responsive Substance Use Treatment : A Guide for Practitioners, Students, and Organizations

Livre audio

This book invites listeners into the transformative world of culturally responsive substance use treatment and illuminates the importance of integrating cultural understanding and sensitivity into every aspect of substance use treatment, offering a comprehensive guide for organizations, practitioners, and students alike.

Drawing from her extensive experience in the industry, Dr. Jones masterfully articulates why cultural responsiveness is critical when providing substance use treatment. She skillfully delves into the intricate ways in which culture influences an individual's relationship with substance use, emphasizing the need for tailored and inclusive interventions. Through compelling case studies, practical tools, and thought-provoking insights, Dr. Jones empowers listeners to navigate the complexities of culture, paving the way for more effective and impactful treatment strategies utilizing her developed framework.

This book is an indispensable resource for anyone seeking to transform the landscape of substance use treatment and promote equitable, inclusive care.