Most people still think of constraints and lack of resources as disadvantageous and find ways to avoid them. This book explains why that has to change for marketers, companies, and individuals. The Beautiful Constraint is an exploration of people, enterprises, and companies that have turned apparent limitations into sources of innovation and advantage. Examples of beautiful constraints include a tweet, limited to 140 characters and TED Talks, limited to 18 minutes. Through extensive research, the book identifies a replicable five-part methodology for people and teams who want to discover how to make their own constraints a source of success. Surface path dependence- the ways of doing things you have unconsciously become dependent on Use a propelling question to propel you out of old paths and into new ways of thinking about the constraint Can if not Cant because- keep the solution process focused on how, not if Stimulate the right activating emotion- the reason for doing this is to keep you engaged with making a solution Stubborn adaptiveness- balancing stubbornness with adaptiveness in individuals and teams Readers learn about the relationship between creativity and constraints, and why constraint driven problem solving is so important in todays business.
A Beautiful Constraint : How To Transform Your Limitations Into Advantages, and Why It's Everyone's Business