
Romantic Ireland : (Vol. 1&2)


This book is a personal record of the ever-present charms of Ireland which have uniquely permeated its history, its romance, and its literature, based on the authors' impressions of this country and inspired by their belief that are a large number of interested people who would be glad to have an attractive presentation of some of the sights, scenes, historical, and romantic beauties of Ireland. The aim of the book was not to approach the completeness of an historical record, it fills, rather, the gap which lies between, in view of the greater interest which is daily being shown in all things relating to Ireland – its literature, its history, its architecture, and its arts.

Volume 1:


A Travel Chapter

The Land and Its People

Romance and Sentiment

Religious Art and Architecture

The Scotch-Irish Blend

Irish Industries

Dublin and About There

Kilkenny to Cork Harbour

Volume 2:

Queenstown, Cork, and Blarney

Glengarriff and Bantry Bay

Killarney and About There

Around the Coast of Limerick

The Shannon and Its Lakes

Galway and Its Bay

Achill to Sligo

The Donegal Highlands

Londonderry and the Giant's Causeway

Antrim and Down

The Boyne Valley

Belfast and Armagh