
This Is It


Conor Creighton came out of the womb chewing his fingernails. A chaotic childhood saw his default mode set to 'generally miserable', so he left home at 17, vowing never to return.

The ensuing decades of disorder resulted in chronic anxiety. At rock bottom, he signed up for a ten-day silent meditation retreat. It was hell. His legs ached. His butt felt like it was on fire. His mind threw at him a never-ending collage of regrets, wants and realisations. Then, suddenly, for the first time in nearly twenty years, he felt calm as relief and, eventually, joy washed over him.

He learned that meditation has just one goal: to recognise that this is it. There is nothing else. No desire to get anywhere or change or improve anything. When Conor stopped trying to get somewhere or 'be someone' and realised that this, and this alone, is it, his anxiety abated, he learned to like himself and he discovered that he might even be happy.

By remembering that 'this is it' in uncomfortable times and in comfortable times, your life can become a lot like meditation. In this highly entertaining, refreshingly honest memoir and meditation guide, you'll discover how.